I write about cities, culture and politics. In 2012 I received my PhD in English Literature from Manchester University, where my thesis looked at the writing of the London-based writer Iain Sinclair in relationship to the theories of urban space developed by the 20th Century European avant-gardes.
I’m currently under contract with Manchester University Press to write a ‘detourned’ cultural history of the relationship between Manchester, the birthplace of industrial capitalism, and ‘psychogeography’, the revolutionary, utopian spatial practices developed by the Situationist International. You can read more about this project on my blog.
I’ve been a working with digital since 2006. I’m skilled with a range of front- and back end technologies including html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP (WordPress is a speciality) and Python/Django.
At the moment I’m interested in exploring cities and culture using mapping technologies like leaflet.js. Find out more about some of my recent projects below.
East Shoreditch Forum
East Shoreditch Forum are a community-based organisation who are working to give residents of Shoreditch a greater say in what happens in their neighbourhood.
Tower Hamlets Local Links
A map commissioned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets showing the places that improve people's health and wellbeing in the borough. Built with Django, Leaflet, and Bootstrap.
Howard Miller Design
Howard Miller is an architect and garden designer. For the last three years his designs have won gold medals at the HRS Tatton Flower Show.
Contact Me
Dr Duncan Hay
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @walled_city